
The best way to contact me is thru my email,

Another way is to comment on YouTube channel. I read all of the comments and if you ask a question, I will answer.

If you find it most convenient to send me a message without leaving this page, fill out the form below to send a regular message or click here to send an anonymous one.

Join Us

To read more about working with us, visit our Join out Team page. If interested in Volunteering, take a look at this page. Any other questions, concerns or thoughts, write us at or use the form above.

The Rotary Line

That’s the name of my YouTube channel.

If you want to know what I’m up to these days, this channel is the place to find out.

Any thoughts or questions that might help me improve the channel, I will appreciate very much.

Anonymous Messages

I know that some of you prefer sending emails anonymously and this section is made just for you.

If you’re interested in sending more than one anonymous message, make sure to use a name/nickname so I can keep track of our correspondence over time. Always keep the same name/nickname in the future.

Bear in mind, I won’t be able to reply to your anonymous messages unless you include your email with your message.

We know that some people prefer sending emails anonymously and we respect that. We do ask (very politely) though, that you fill in some name or nickname – even though it is optional. It makes it much easier for us to keep track of our correspondence with you over time.
Always keep using the same name/nickname in the future.

Bear in mind – we will not be able to reply to your anonymous messages or provide reasons for not being able to implement your suggestions unless you include your email with your message.




If you’d like to unsubscribe from my emails, click the ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any of the emails – or click here for the direct link.

About Me

Learn more about the guy writing all of this
on the About Me page.
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